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Founded in 1895 at the University of Arkansas, Chi Omega is the largest women’s fraternal organization in the world. Throughout Chi Omega’s history, this  Fraternity has brought its members uncomparable opportunities for personal growth and development.


Chi Omega is an intergenerational women’s organization

forever committed to our founding purposes:


• Friendship

• Personal integrity

• Service to others

• Academic excellence and intellectual pursuits

• Community and campus involvement

• Personal and career development




Vision Statement:


Sisters inspired by our values who serve the world

while keeing Chi Omega ever at heart.


Motto: Hellenic Culture and Christian Ideals

Symbols: Owl, Skull and Crossbones

Colors: Cardinal Red, Straw Yellow

Flower: White Carnation

Jewel: Dimond, Pearl

Publication: The Eleusis

Philanthropy: Make-A-Wish Foundation

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