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In addition to Make-A-Wish our sisters in Chi Omega are always giving back and love to get involved with the community as much as possible. Currently we are involved with Up Til’ Dawn supporting and raising money for St. Jude Children’s Hospital and on February 8th will being staying up until dawn to support the kids of St. Jude. Other fundraisers our sisters also partake in is Relay for Life supporting cancer awareness, and the Color Run.  Being so close to the beach we’ve collaborated with our Panhellenic sisters and done a beach clean-up.  Giving back to the community and volunteering our service is so important to the Beta Kappa chapter and we are so honored help the Make-A-Wish Foundation and other organizations that need assistance and support.

Chi Omega Fraternity’s National Philanthropy is the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Each year we have a week dedicated to Make-A-Wish where other sororities and fraternities are coached by the ladies of Chi O to help us raise money for this foundation. Here at Beta Kappa we are honored to have been the very first chapter to give a child their first wish. The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. With the money raised from Make-A-Wish week and banquet we have granted such wishes for Jonathan who wanted to see rocket ships, Ashley who wanted to go to Disneyworld, and our first, Hannah whose wish was simply to play. In 2012-2013 the sisters of the Beta Kappa chapter raised $33,000 - enough to grant 8 wishes. This past year we were able to break our $100,000 mark and have raised a total of $110,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation to date. In 2013-2014 with the help of family, friends, and on campus fraternities & sororities we raised over $27,000 - enough to grant 6 wishes! On June 4, us at Beta Kappa recieved a plaque for raising over $120,000 in the past 12 years. 



Cal Poly Pomona Chi Omega 2015

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